Miami Valley Symphony Orchestra
Support MVSO

Donate to the Miami Valley Symphony Orchestra

The Miami Valley Symphony Orchestra greatly appreciates the contributions of its generous supporters. Income from ticket sales is not sufficient to maintain the orchestra and its performances at the level you have come to expect, and we rely on your additional donations in order to fully offset our operating expenses. The MVSO is a 501(3)(c) nonprofit organization and donations are tax deductible, with appreciation expressed in the season's concert programs.

Donations can be made online through PayPal using the button above.
You may also donate by check. Please complete our donor form, and mail with your gift to:

Miami Valley Symphony Orchestra
P.O. Box 164
Dayton, OH 45409

Download MVSO donor form

Kroger Community Rewards

Kroger customers who register their Kroger Plus cards in the Kroger Community Rewards program can direct a portion of Kroger's charitable giving to a non-profit of their choice. Please consider designating the MVSO as your preferred charity if you shop at Kroger.

There are two steps to enroll in the Kroger Community Rewards program:

  1. Register your Kroger Plus Card at
  2. Log into and select your preferred charity.
    (The MVSO is NPO #AF771)

Your charity selection for the Kroger Community Rewards program will lapse unless renewed each April. Don't forget to log in and select the MVSO again!

Kroger Community Rewards website Detailed enrollment instructions

Dorothy Lane Market
Good Neighbor Program

If you shop at Dorothy Lane Market, please consider selecting the MVSO as your preferred charity in the Good Neighbor Program. This is your chance to vote in how Dorothy Lane spends its charitable giving dollars.

You can make your selection online at the DLM website or in-person at the DLM service desk. The MVSO's Charity ID is 703. Please note that you need to re-register your preference every year in January.

DLM Good Neighbor Program website